PowerPoint: Getting Started with PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint includes so many tools and features to help in all these scenarios, yet so few people make full use of this fantastic tool. Since a picture is really worth 1000 words, add pictures, change their appearance and do so much more with these fundamental slide objects. https://remotemode.net/ Use a professionally designed template to save time creating a presentation. The free online course on how to create a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 and format presentation slides. When you open PowerPoint for the first time, the Start Screen will appear.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 Lessons

Begin this course and learn how to use PowerPoint 2019. Meetings, instruction, training, pitches; these are all a part of our daily lives. We are often called upon to deliver presentations with little notice, at multiple venues, and with varying requirements. And, some of these presentations include sensitive information that needs to be guarded. Given all the variables, it may seem an overwhelming task to deliver your content, on time, to all audiences, and to only those who need to see it. Oh, and by the way, you need to make it interesting, informative, and memorable.

Microsoft Account

You’ll start by choosing a theme for a presentation and create slides with a variety of slide layouts. You’ll explore the Live Preview feature and learn how to save a file for future use. You’ll also create and edit slides in Slide pane and Outline view. Microsoft PowerPoint is the de facto presentation software for people who want to create slideshows. If you have an idea you want to present in front of an audience, PowerPoint is your go-to solution. This course will teach you how to use all the major features of Microsoft PowerPoint so that you can create dynamic and engaging presentations.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 Lessons

Sharing Your Presentation Online arrow_forward_ios✓Learn how to share your presentations online. Action Buttons arrow_forward_ios✓Learn how to add and edit action buttons. Reviewing Presentations Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 Lessons arrow_forward_ios✓Learn how to review presentations before you present them to an audience. Formatting Pictures arrow_forward_ios✓Learn how to format the images in your slides.

Interface and Basics

Demonstrate inserting pictures, graphics, shapes, and other things. Please enter you email address and we will mail you a link to reset your password. In PDF format immediately available to you when you complete your purchase.

  • From here, you can open recent presentations, as well as presentations saved to your OneDrive or on your computer.
  • She has also worked in the private sector as a trainer of domestic and international technology franchisees as well as a writer and developmental editor of educational technology materials.
  • By default, it includes the Save, Undo, Redo, and Start From Beginning commands.

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